
Legacy Family Tree Webinars at familytreewebinars.com. Free webinars every Wednesday plus some Tuesdays and Fridays. You register for the free live webinar and whether you watch it live or not, you will have free access for a week. They will send you a link if you register.

Or, you can become a member. Members pay around $50 a year for access to all the webinars all the time in the archives, access to the syllabus, and other perks. That is access to 490+ webinars covering all types of genealogical subjects – Basic to advanced including research techniques, US & foreign research, DNA, etc.-- and have access to over 2,200 pages of handouts.

Here are some more links that I have not tried.

http://blog.geneawebinars.com/p/calendar.html (has a list of several webinars per week)

https://familysearch.org/wiki/en/Family_History_Library_Classes_and_Webinars#Past_Webinars and


Ancestry.com/academy has changed from paid videos to FREE.

You can google “free genealogy webinars” with a topic and there are a lot.

Lastly, if you are really adventurous, try Cyndi’s List. Cyndi is a Washington genealogist who categorizes genealogy websites and has hundreds of thousands of links on her site. For webinars, try this:  www.cyndislist.com/education/online-courses-and-webinars

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