A big thank you to Linda Berg for providing notes from our Genies meeting on 11/18. Following the minute notes we have comments about upcoming gatherings.
At our November 18 meeting, Judith Culver elaborated on her recent announcement that she is interested in sharing some of the tasks related to keeping Ferndale Genies running and relevant. She expressed her appreciation for the group and all the friendships formed over the years, and her desire to have the group continue. Several participants also expressed appreciation for her work and the support of the group as we pursue our genealogical research and education.
Judith then outlined several tasks and asked if anyone would like to take responsibility for doing them on a regular basis:
1. Take notes and write a summary of the monthly meeting discussion to be distributed to all
subscribers after the meeting. Linda and Sylvia agreed to share this task.
subscribers after the meeting. Linda and Sylvia agreed to share this task.
- 2. Liaison with the Ferndale Library, including set up of the meeting room and storing furniture afterward and “closing up” (turning off media equipment, lights, reporting number of attendees, etc.) Cheryl agreed to do this.
- 3. Facilitate meetings. This would involve initiating the “check in” session at the beginning of the meeting, where each person shares their recent activities or discoveries. This could be followed by a presentation about something learned, a work session where we assist a member or members with a “brick wall,” or a workshop where we all try a technique or tool.
- 4. Help newcomers subscribe to the blog.
- 5. Learn how to use the projector.
- 6. Reserve use of the library conference room for any separate meetings.
The tasks not yet assigned are under consideration and will be addressed at future meetings. Volunteers welcome!
The Ferndale Library meeting room is reserved for Genies meeting the upcoming year; however, the library is closed the third Monday in both January and February for holidays in those months. Judith proposed we meet over lunch on those two Mondays. We are in search of a restaurant that offers a private room for group meetings. Suggestions needed.
Several members mentioned their participation in the Research Like a Pro study group was very helpful in keeping them focused on a research question and avoiding interesting but distracting detours. Judith introduced us to FamilyLocket.com, the website by Diana Elder and Nicole Dyer, authors of the book, Research Like A Pro. The website features many other topics, including using DNA results, applying the book Getting Things Done: the art of stress-free productivity to research, and a variety of others. One can subscribe to a weekly email and listen to their podcasts on these topics.
Judith then gave a presentation on one of the Family Locket’s recent podcast topics, genetic clustering using the Dana Leeds method. She showed us how we can organize our DNA matches at Ancestry using the colored dots and shared match feature to create clusters of shared matches, which then can help us identify a shared ancestor. She then showed us how to use the auto cluster tool, Genetic Affairs, which uses the group information from Ancestry to create a multi-color graphic representation of the clusters. An explanation of this clustering method and examples of the auto cluster graphic can be found at www.DanaLeeds.com. Information about Genetic Affairs is available at geneticaffairs.com. All this and more about clustering are described in the Family Locket RLP podcasts 68, 69, and 70 found here https://familylocket.com/the-research-like-a-pro-genealogy-podcast/.
Saturday, Dec 7 is our last RootsMagic Group Meeting at 1:00. Again, RSVP is requested to gauge interest.
Monday, December 16 is the next Genies monthly meeting at the Ferndale Library at 1:00. This will be a group effort.
- I'd like a volunteer for co-facilitator for this meeting. If you have never facilitated a meeting, this is a good time to start among friends. Email ferndalegenies at gmail.com.
- Volunteer for us to work your brick wall. We will need a written description before the meeting.
- Help us identify a restaurant for our January and February meetings.
- Cheryl, thank you for doing setup and coordination with the library.
- Linda B, thank you for taking minutes again.
- Would anyone like to host holiday refreshments? Only if you want to.
Monday, January 20, 2020: Our monthly Genies meeting. The theme might be, with your agreement, Genealogy Goals for 2020.
- Look for a restaurant location with a private room. Not expensive.
- How about a volunteer host to make a reservation, receive RSVP's and greet people at the lunch?
Thank you, all, for bearing with us and volunteering through this transition.