Friday, January 4, 2019

Organizing 2019

Important Announcement:  Genies meeting is Friday, Jan 18 due to the holiday on the 3rd Monday.

Today we find ourselves in the first week of a new year, a time when many think of goals and resolutions.  I’m not talking about gyms and diets but ways to move forward in our genealogy.  As I talk to Genies, the same topics keep surfacing, the ones that we are having trouble solving. 

Organizing is the elephant in the room.  It’s the one thing that makes people think: if I could just get organized, then I could get on to researching my ancestors.

Last year I posted Organizing: Tips 2018. I think this is a good place to start, if I do say so myself.  Go to the Genies blog and you will find it on the left-hand column along with some other pages about organizing.  Remember these are just tips; they are not rules.  Everyone stresses that you need to develop a system that works for you and the way you think and work.  And don’t think I am doing everything in “tips” or doing anything perfectly.  We’re all just doing our best.

A popular blogger Lisa Lisson is an organizing junkie (her words, not mine).  You can start here:

In her menu bar is a “Blog Index” tab and then “Organizing Your Genealogy”.  She has many posts on the topic.  It seems important to me to pin down what your personal organizing problem is and go after that specifically.

Another blogger and podcaster I like is Amy Johnson Crow.  This week she is interviewing Janine Adams who is a professional organizer.  Here’s a link to the blogpost and you will find the podcast imbedded there.   Usually her podcasts are about 20 minutes but this one is 34.

So I went to find out about Janine Adams.  She blogs at  On December 21st she blogged about her 2018 goals where her first goal was “Come up with a scheme for keeping me focused”.  We could all use some of that.  Also she has a 30 x 30 challenge.  Do genealogy research for 30 minutes each day for 30 days.  When I’m looking at blogposts, I like to see what readers are saying in their comments.

So get ready to tell us what your biggest challenges are and we will try to help at the Genies meetings.  Here are a few of mine:  using a research plan to know what to do next, using consistent file names for my computer files, photos.  I’ve made a little progress but they are not solved yet.

Lastly, here’s a free 14-page collection of organizing articles you can download from Family Tree Magazine:

Some other topics Genies are talking about are DNA (of course), Writing, and RootsMagic (or other desktop software).  Let me know what challenges you have and we’ll tackle them at the Genies meeting.

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