Saturday, May 18, 2019

Monthly Genies Meeting this Monday

Third Monday is coming right up.  May 20th.  Meeting at 1:00 and doors open around 12:30 for setup and informal talking.  

Put on your thinking cap for something to share at our monthly Genies meeting.  Have you had a chance to do some family history research?  I’ve been busy with a RootsMagic group meeting and also a DNA class about the more obscure Y and mitochondrial tests.  You guys keep me hopping.

One topic surfacing for this monthly meeting is writing about ourselves, families, and our family history.  It’s a trend I’m seeing as people talk about what we will leave behind.  Our stories are important for our kids, grandkids, and ones who follow.  Bring your writings and ideas for getting started.

Also, I’m sure there will be talk of DNA.  On YouTube I have watched a few videos at the DNA Family Tree channel by Larry Jones.  Good for basic information but one video was eye-popping.  Ancestry ThruLines was released in Beta and received with grumbles, mostly about adoptions and stepparents.  Larry released the video “ThruLines is Fixed!” on 4/9/19.  He goes so far as to say “amazing”.  Larry says Ancestry has changed their method to give priority to whatever is in your tree.  I would add that now you can change your tree and the changes will be reflected in ThruLines.  Has anyone taken another look?

For those who have not been following this, ThruLines at AncestryDNA now combines your matches and many Ancestry member trees and suggests your common ancestors through your 5th great-grandparents.  It even looks inside Private trees and tells you what they find.  Now, that is amazing.

Disclaimer:  Ancestry says this about accuracy.  "Since ThruLines are based on the family trees of you and other members of Ancestry, they're as accurate as the trees they're based on. Errors in family trees can cause inaccurate ThruLines."  It's always "buyer beware" and find your own proof.

 See you on Monday!!  

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